This morning started the usual way. I rubbed the sleep off my eyes and started investigating the possibility of getting a cup of tea. Next thing on agenda was the Times Of India. Although this newspaper does not seem to have the motto of providing anything good to "read", still owing the the choice of the majority, we get this paper at home.
The first page till the last, all you could see on the paper this morning was Sanjay Dutt's Sentence. Frustration immediately mounted. There was some news of a Colonel who dies in Kashmir too. There was some small column for floods. Bus, is Sanjay Dutt such an important person for this country of a billion that he should be given almost all prime space on a reputed Indian newspaper?
Just last night I was talking to one of the Sankalp Volunteers about a blog post that came a few months back. Click here to read it.
I was wondering if this space should be given to some other person of great importance to us. While driving to my office the thought of getting into investigative journalism for was coming to my-mind. But the slipping time-sheets murdered any possibility of that too.
But then, at around 11:30 AM I found it. I found the true importance of 31st July for me as an Indian. I will keep you guessing for some more time.
I came to know that 31st July was the Day of Martyrdom for one of the most devoted son of our country. He was a man who shook the roots of British Empire and sent across a message which the British tried their level best to hide for years.
In his last statement before the court which sentenced him to death he said-
'I don't care, I don't mind dying. What Is the use of waiting till you get old? This Is no good. You want to die when you are young. That is good, that Is what I am doing'.
After a pause he added:
'I am dying for my country'.
He is a lesser known Revolutionary but one whose contribution was invaluable.
I take this opportunity to humbly salute this great martyr and hope and pray that a minute fraction of his Love and Dedication to our Nation comes into me.
He was also known as Ram Mohammad Singh Azad symbolizing all three major religions of India. He was Shaheed Uhdam Singh. Clinck on this page on our site to know more about him.
Jai Hind!