This post is a feeling expressed by a volunteer of Sankalp who wishes not to disclose his/her name. The PR team has just posted this blog on behalf of their anonymous companion
We dont really know what destiny hold in store for us. All we know is that we want our nation to be a place where no one suffers due to shortage of blood. Our steps have been small. We are still insignificant in our work and our impact. We feeble humans have very few reasons to be sure about the result. But I have a deep sense of comfort in the fact that I stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the finest people born in this nation who have been blessed with the education, the parenting and the upbringing that makes them workers for the cause of this motherland. I am comforted with the realisation that I walk hand in hand with men and women who will continue to walk ahead, firmly and steadily on the road that will take their nation, their people to see a day when no one suffers due to shortage of blood.