One thing that Sankalp Volunteers are very proud of is the fact that we have had regular Sunday meetings since the time the organisation started. Anyone who has ever tried to join the organisation as a volunteer knows that the first thing that we ask for is to come and join the Sunday meeting. So what exactly is this meeting all about?
It is an occasion for teams to sync up
Sankalp has various working teams each of which looks into specific areas of work. The sunday meeting brings together volunteers within a team and allows them to have rich discussion, debates and planning for all the things that the team is undertaking. Seeing people face to face and talking about things out in the open brings synergy.
It is an occasion for all to know what is going on
Sankalp has diverse working areas. But we storngly believe in ensuring that our volunteers have direct stake in all activities - even those which they are themselves not a part of. To achieve this goal, each team informs everyone else what they are doing and what they plan to do. People come up with doubts and questions which are then addressed.
Identify who goes where
Sankalp organises more than 150 events in a calendar year. In order to ensure that the best people are available for the respective jobs whenever required we sync up personal schedules in Sunday meetings and come up with nice plans to get things done.
Exchange resources, finance and whatever else
For all our activites, the physical commodity exchange opportunity is the Sunday meetings. Volunteers exchange resources for events, contribute to the finances, exchage paper records and databases, sometime comics, movies and books too :)
Celebrate Birthdays
Once a month the Sankalp volunteers celebrate the birthdays of all the volunteers who have birthday in that month.
Mentor and get mentored
There is always someone you can talk to after the Sunday meeting to find answers to life, religion, philosophy, education, friendshp, politics and whateverelse comes to your mind. A lot of strengthening of individuals and thereby the organisation can happen over such casual one on one or group chats.
Once in a while when we have to take some major decision we have very robust debates in the sunday meetings. As always, all volunteers put their heads together to identify the roads to revolution.
We do have a lot of capacity building and training happening in the Sunday meetings too. These trainings are usually conducted by expert teams within the organisation.
National Anthem
We end out meeting with the singing of the National Anthem. Sometimes nostalgic and sing more praises to the nation too.
Our meetings could be in a garden, on some stairs, on the side of the road, in a class room or even in parking lot. They last for about 2-3 hours. You can see energy, motivation and hard wrk flow freely in these events - something that makes Sankalp what it is.