Everytime i gaze at the ocean, the only thoughts that come to my mind are about what lies on the other side, the point beyond the horizon. The harder i try to concentrate to see beyond the unseen more domiant becomes the sight of the waves and the vast ocean which lies between me and my unseen world. Still, i keep trying...perhaps everyone keeps trying to see what lies ahead and in the course fail to appreciate the vastness of the oceanful of life. Why is man like that? Why can he not live in present? Either it is the past that haunts him or the future that promises him...why does he have to depend on external factors which are time bound, why can life not be lived in the present. Ever wondered why?
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I could find some answers to your question , but I could not relate to it.
Very shortly after the initial decision to get into something comes in my mind, I am off for it. The future and the past, both loose meaning in the quest to make use of today to implement what is being thought. It is a state of trans that I am in and I love it.
Once in a while the energies go down and the ability to realise the dreams reduces. It is then that i am able to see the future and the past better. And I must say, it is very revealing. It is full off pats on the back as well as contempt - both coming from inside. It helps re frame strategies and goals. And in no time, we are back into the execution trans!
I wish the correct balance for you, myself and all other dreamers :)