Speech At 4th Anniversary Function of SANKALP INDIA FOUNDATION on Project
“Company Connectâ€.
Good Afternoon to every great soul present here, great soul because I believe everybody has the energy to do the impossible it’s just that we need to utilize it.
I am here to put light on the magnitude of impact companies can make in Blood Donation Activity.
Before that let me put forward the issues we face in Blood Donation Activities.
Firstly how can we assure that there is sufficient amount of blood units for every blood group is available at blood bank?
Secondly how can we get large amounts of donations done at a time during crisis say dengue etc?
Thirdly how can we get large number of voluntary blood donors within the system?
Lastly how can we assure that a patient is not pestered when he is need of blood by the blood bank representatives?
The single answer to all the above is to have large number of blood donations happening continuously at regular intervals throughout the year.
Next the question arises how can we achieve this?
One of the answers to this is our project COMPANY CONNECT
Through this we will have Substantial number of companies connected and each company
Will have few moderators (Employees of the company itself) within them who will coordinate the blood donation activity.
The moderators within the company will have the access to the database containing the
details of the employee, his blood group and contact information .Through this they can contact the donor when in need.These companies will not only serve the blood requests from the employees within the company but external requests will also be taken.
Now let me answer all the issues which I discussed earlier.
Each company will serve the needs of a particular blood bank which is close to the
company and whenever blood bank anticipates shortage of particular group of blood
they will intimate us in advance, we intern will contact the moderators of the corresponding company who will arrange for donors of that group and get the donations
done this way we shall ensure that the blood units within the blood banks will remain at a
Sufficient Minimum Stock level.
Secondly during crisis we can request for blood camps being conducted in each of the companies.
Thirdly, we can send publicity material, donor manual, posters and other related materials (which will answer all the questions and myths people have about blood donation) through E-Mail within the company at regular intervals, which will encourage donors to donate blood and this will have a Cascading effect. This way we can get large number of voluntary donors within the system.
Once we get large number of donations done I am sure patients will no face any problems in blood banks.
To conclude the impact of companies on blood donation activity is significant and this will be the impetus for us to go forward.
As Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% Inspiration and as Swamy Vivekananda has said if you don’t face any problems, take it for granted you are not in the right path. We know that we will face lot of problems going ahead in this project but we are on the right path, it is our dream to achieve this and we will achieve our dream.
Vande Mataram
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