Blood Donation Awareness Week in Hindu Balika Patashala

School Name: Hindu Balika Patashala
Address: Dharmaraja Koil Street, Bangalore - 560001

The second phase started with a bang. The RK Schools team visited 2 schools on the same day to create among the students for Voluntary Blood Donation Awareness. In the afternoon we visited Hindu Balika Patashala to meet a batch of enthusiastic students. After checking with the school schedules and initial hesitation, the principal gave us permission to conduct the awareness program.

Skit and informative talk: 3rd February, 2009 With the success of the morning skit the volunteers were highly motivated to perform at their optimum. With a closed seminar hall available, all the students had gathered with lot of questions in their mind about why are the volunteers there and what do they want to convey. Skit and informative talks were received very well by the students with an interactive session. The enthusiasm of the students provided satisfaction to the volunteers.

Competitions - 6th February, 2009 Time - 1:30 to 3:30 P.M The competitions are the most encouraging and most awaited event for the students. The students of Hindu Balika were also very enthusiastic to participate in the event and arrived at the competition hall ready to fire with all guns.

Collage: 11 students submitted their collage. The students were so enthusiastic to show their collage that they were very eagerly waiting to meet the volunteers. The enthusiasm was very much visible in the effort they had taken to prepare their collage.

Essay Writing: Number of participants : 28. The participants gathered at the school seminar hall. The students enthusiasm was very much visible in the manner they were wanting to start writing in the competition.

Painting: Number of participants: 36 After the essay competition was completed, the painting competition was held. There were many students who wanted to participate in painting and they stayed back once they completed their essay competition. With few more additions the competition went on smoothly and the students were so deeply involved in the program that they didnt mind the school bell nor making their parents wait. They just had one motive -- To display their best talent in the provided platform.

Elocution: Number of participants: 12 There were about only 5 students interested to participate. On seeing their friends perform so well the other students were motivated to make it a large strength of competitors and make the competition a really very tough one.

The following quotes written by the students display the amount of interest and will the students have to display their best talent.
"We should be kind hearted and donate blood for saving the life of people.....people have only hope and the patient have the chance-blood doner" -Bibi Safura "

God is giving a life But man can't give a life only he can save a life" -Sumitra V,.A

"An assistant of a police donated blood for the patient in Mallya Hospital.That the dictir was searching for the blood of 0-ve,then the assistant of police donated the blood for the patient and saved his life" -Manu H.

"I am unhappy that I am not of 18 years old but when I will become 18 years old I will donate the blood and I will make the awareness in the society to donate the blood" -Hajira "

As being a citizen of India it is our responsibility to vote after 18 that we should think in out mind that donating blood is also a part of responsibility"

"Every human born in this world should come forward to donate blood.Think in your mind that it is your responsibility to donate blood,so I will promise that after 18 year I will donate blood if I get that opportunity" -G. Kavitha

"If we donate blood for those who are in problem,there will be all right and they also bless us too' "I also like to donate blood, I am sad that now I can't donate blood,after 18 years old..I promise I will donate blood.Blood Donation is a good job" -Sangitha B.

"Many would think that they should achieve something in their life now the opportunity is knocking our door.Let us utilize this opportunity by donating blood and saving many lives...We will be a HERO!!"

"To save life donate blood"

"When I am 18 years old, i will be a future regular blood donar,so that I would achieve something in life and give life to the people who are struggling for their life"

"If you see many hospitals the patient require blood but they won't be getting it,their relatives and friends cry and beg many.This can be avoided through the donation of blood."

"Every person must be aware of the importance of blood donation"

"You need not have a special super power to save can be a superhero by blood donation"

"We care for our blood relation why not be aware of blood donation"

"Donate blood for others and your good"

"Happier will be your life by saving other's life" -Arun K.

"I request them to donate blood who are afraid" -Akash D.A

"God is creator of living thing.He can create and also to destroy but human beings can give a second chance to a human beings by comming forward to donate blood" -L Pavitra

"In the newspaper,TV news and radio they will tell that accident and bomblast but they will not tell that they want blood,people can help the patient" -Raja S.M

"I will be waiting for my age to help for other's and give blood" -S.Shabreen Taj

"People are voluntary to donate blood please donate blood and save life"

"I am Lalitha and I am 14 years old..i cannot donate blood but after 18 years..i will donate blood voluntary" -H.Lalitha.

"Blood donation is life donation" -Zeenath

"Human can't buy blood in market" Geetha. M

"We can't give money and blood are we can't get in shop..only we will get by human beings"

"So every one should have interest to give blood and save the people in out country" -Gayathri A.

"My opinion is i am sad because i'm below 18 years.i would become 18 years I would give blood and save the life of the people.This is also one of the job" -Y.Shiva Kumari

"If we donate blood we feel that oh! I have saved 1 life"

"We human beings are the scientists by giving blood we save many people life" -Yamuna M. Vidya

" If you donate blood only we will get blood if you are not donation how can we get blood,so we should donate blood and give life to other people" -Sonya

At the end of the event, the principal encouraged us to visit back to the school at regular intervals and make sure students do not forget about the importance of blood donation.

Principals Feedback: We would like to express our thanks for the blood awareness program conducted in our school. Now the children have taken blood donation as a social commitment. we would welcome to conduct many more programs in future too.

Teachers feedback: * The volunteers were friendly and flexible. * Audio/ visual aids could be used to improve the impact on children (sideshow, projector etc) Rating : 9/10