He was awarded the highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna, posthumously in 1966.
The news of Lal Bahadur Shastri's death struck India like a bolt from the blue. The entire nation was plunged in grief. Some people suspected foulplay also. Gone was the war hero and the messenger of peace, gone was the great statesman who restored to India her honor and self- respect in the assembly of nations. A tiny, tidy figure. A soul that had lived in perfect purity of thought, word and deed. The very embodiment of selflessness, detachment and simplicity. Such was this man who had lived in our midst. He belongs to the race of the heroes of India.
More than thirty years of dedicated service were behind Lal Bahadur Shastri. In the course of this period, he came to be known as a man of great integrity and competence. Humble, tolerant, with great inner strength and resoluteness, he was a man of the people who understood their language. He was also a man of vision who led the country towards progress.
Note: While compiling data for this Hero of the Month, I cam face to face with the life of Shastriji. Each day of his life looks like an example, a challange. the right way of living. It was an honour to be able to present to you somefacts about him. But in my own limitations, I do not think I have been able to do justice to this great soin of the soil. Please read more about him in the links given below:
- http://www.iloveindia.com/indian-heroes/lal-bahadur-shastri.html
- http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/mp/2003/06/30/stories/2003063001150200.htm
- http://www.freeindia.org/biographies/greatleaders/shastri/index.htm
- http://www.rediff.com/news/2004/oct/06spec1.htm
- http://www.rediff.com/news/2004/oct/07spec1.htm
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lal_Bahadur_Shastri