MSR Memorial Blood Donation Services hit yet another milestone. MSR Hotel Management College conducted the 3rd blood donation camp in 6 months becoming the first college to have executed the small and regular camp strategy throughout the organization.
It happened on 3rd October, 2007 the only remaining year of MSRHMC came forward to donate blood. A total of 24 units were collected of the 29 donors who came to donate. As always, the Hotel Management College was full of energy and enthusiasm preparing to give life a better chance.
Small camps have helped in ensuring that the donors are well educated and motivated about blood donation before they proceed to donate blood. This is the reason why we could manage to collect 26 units without even one donor facing post donation problems.
In the three camps that have been conducted at MSRHMC, we have managed to invite every single person in that college to come forward to donate blood. There is immense amount of increase in the awareness levels of the students in matters relating to blood donation and they are very confident about the process. These are the good signs indicating a brighter future where regular Voluntary donors from organizations like this will ensure that there is a regular blood supply to the blood banks and no person suffers because of shortage of blood.
It felt wonderful when one of the staff looked into the register to figure out if it was 3 months since his last donation and said that we could call him for donation if we could not collect sufficient number of units for that week.
The Hotel Management students and staff have shown a lot of zest in this drive and are one of the best contributors to this service. Their enthusiasm and participation will surely take MSRM Blood Donation Service closer to its goals. We congratulate the Principal, the students and the staff of MSRHMC for leading the way to ensure safe blood for all.
Vande Mataram!