Living by choice!!
Ah! What this simply means is that you pick and choose all the things that fall into your life.
Going back in time to my school days, I remember waking up at 6:30 to go to school. By 7:15 I was at school only to return home after dusk. Sometimes it was 8:00 when I reached back. And then the preparations for the debates, the long walks with the guests who come to Mussoorie perennially. But that was all neatly packaged into things that "I Must Do!" No choice given.
Now the time is different. Beyond the office hours, all is my choice. I can do what I want to. Last eight months have been grinding. There have been days which have tested the faith to the roots. there have been painful disappointments and their have been glorious Victories. Overall it has been a very very happening time.
The choice all this while was to push.. Push a step beyond. Take an extra meeting. pick up one more call. Document one more page. Respond to one more mail. It has been pushing. And I have enjoyed this time. Making choices and pushing yourself to do what is required to realize them has it's own unequaled joy. Life has been good to me all this while.
But, dreams have started taking shape. From the wonderland the world of reality has risen. Real world, real issues, real work. More is required. It is not the time to stop.
It has been 8 months since I walked under the deodars. I am missing the fresh air of the Himalayas. I am missing the laid back life of my little sweet hometown. I am missing being lazy and irresponsible. I am missing all the people there, who have made my life so special.
It so seems that the Bangalore traffic has successfully deposited a layer of carbon on me. I need a break.
The next ten days will be like a prayer answered. I am going to bring back a new me. More energetic, more determined, more focussed, more clear, more hardworking.
I am going to get Serviced!!
Country Roads Take Me Home
To The Place I Belong
Ganga River Mount Himalaya
Take me home
Country Roads :)
Leaving for Home on
I am leaving for home on the morning of 12th April. I will be back in town by 23rd April.
Enjoy maadi
Have a nice time. Decarbonize urself from the carbon of bangalore traffic... Bye Bye
It is not just about what you can see
Somethings are deeper within..
Charge yourself..Ya i can understand how it feels when you get break after non-stop work...I had experience it...
No time sheet..No pushing yourself...No calls...No traffic...No deadlines...No responsibility...
Best part i enjoy is being irresponsible...
Have a nice time...
it must have been hard to be away from home for 8 months.. i find it unpleasant to be away from home even for a month.. it is nice to have a break and refresh urself.. hope to see a new u when u return...
Bye Bye.. take care..
guess u r enjoying life
guess u r enjoying life while we here have to wait n wait for the shitty results..
anyway sir hope we get invited someday to the beautiful place..
best wishes..
wow.. sir .. you're right now in the lap of the Himalayas.. i really envy you.. i have also really been missing the HImalayas.. its really amazing how much a person feels for his/her home no matter what.. i just returned from sikkim on Feb.. and now i want to go back.. but you all know.. first "DUTY".. well hope sir will bring back enough Himalayan spirit for all of us..
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