The three broad phases of individual development described in Chapter Two were characterised as dependent, independent and interdependent. These also describe different relationships of power of people to each other in different phases of life.
When I am dependent on you (e.g. for your leadership) then you have power over me (which could be a helpful thing or not). At some point I may start to want to move beyond this dependence, perhaps to develop and express my own leadership, to become more independent. When I become more independent it signi? es that I have found more power within myself to stand alone. Over time, standing on my own two feet, I may gain the con? dence and the ability to relate to you in a more interdependent way where power becomes more mutual or shared.
Keeping this in mind can be very helpful for a leader or facilitator. Often in the early phase of a relationship the people or organisations we are working with can feel dependent on us, for guidance, support, access to resources, etc. If our purpose is to be empowering we will want to help people, over time, to become more independent of us, more self-supporting and self-reliant. Quite often we will know this is happening when they start to challenge or criticise us!
This may mean that we have to pull back, giving people space to work with their newly emerging power, to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Should we challenge them to test and strengthen their power? Should we help them to learn when they make mistakes or should we let them ? nd their own way? There are no easy answers to these questions, because it depends on the situation, each requiring a different judgement. But asking these questions is good.