Recently i had been to a book manufacturer to purchase books..I was shown the various varieties of books...Books with Hard Cover,books with soft cover,Long Books and so on. The Books in soft cover looked very attractive and the diff in cost between hard cover books and soft was not much...
But ten the manufacturer disclosed one thing..He told me that books with Hard Cover have high endurance and are Eco Friendly because the material used can be RECYCLED!!! But books with soft cover are plastic quoted and cannot be recycled and also the endurance is much lower comparitively.
so therefore I Purchased the book with HARD COVER..In this small way we can contribute to the LOVELY NATURE!!!
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I am glad that you informed em about that. I am an avid reader and read at a ferocious speed, thanks for sharing the info atleast I can contribute in some way now!
And I will surely pass on the word to my Frendz. Thank once again