Today is the day when I share with you yet another of the vibrant collection of peculiarities (which you may simply call defects) that I carry in my packaging. This one I choose to call Compulsive Work Disorder.
It strikes on some fine mornings when most of your brain switches off and goes to sleep peacefully while only a small portion pulls in all the energy. The consequence is that a particular work domain (irrespective of need, plans, competency etc) takes precedence over the others. It's not just about taking precedence but completely overpowering all others. You find yourself in a situation CAPABLE of doing just one thing in a productive kind of a manner.
I know what you are thinking. What's running up your mind is why the hell should this be posed as a problem at all? If that's the case, take a closer look. The problem happens because you are SUPPOSED to do such and such but you find yourself being able to do only such' and such' (I hope the readers get the compliment sign). You feel the guilt and pressure of not being able to do what you were supposed to be doing and yet, at the same time, a part of the brain feels the urge to do the other thing for which it is active today.
It's hard to say if these attacks of senselessness are good or bad. They have helped me come out with stuff that I am proud of. They have put in very tight situations too. But the conflicting emotions in the mind create a medley up there which my sense of logical reasoning, comprehension and judgment fails to interpret.
Are you wondering if this happens to you? Or is it that I have indeed discovered a new aspect of human (mis)behavior.