Garlands have remained a part of Indian politics as no other accessory. They have a long history, and are integrated with our culture for ages put together. From the times of mythology, through the ages of Mughals and Rajputs, to the current era of modern political parties; these garlands have had their moments of pride! However, these garlands, once used, get swept aside or badly crushed. Except the one recently presented to the UP Chief Minister on the 25th anniversary of her political party.
This garland, made of Rs 1000 notes, worth 5 crore (or 21 crore or 21 lakhs... does that even matter?) is today making news and is now garnering scrutiny from Income Tax sleuths of the country. She's the CM of the state that represents 8% of the poor of the world! She's the same lady who denied compensation to families of 65 people who died in a stampede after a temple gate collapsed in her state, claiming that the state lacks funds! She's the same lady who recently spent more than 6000 crores of taxpayer's money in erecting her statues all over UP! She's the same lady who recently emerged as the highest taxpayer among politicians.
Even if this entire act is supposed to reinforce the party’s image among followers, should such an elaborate display of wealth be allowed? Should there be a law to prevent such shows, similar to one that controls the expenditures of a party during election campaigns?