I was reading Business Line the other day, when a news struck me. According to the latest report form the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), India has emerged as one of the world's top-10 countries in industrial production in 2009. Guess what? We have overtaken the developed nations like Canada and Mexico!! The top-10 in 2009 are US, China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, France, Italy, UK, India and Brazil. India has had a brilliant start- rise of entrepreneurs, neighborhood effects of Asian growth, growth of manufacturing, increases in savings and investment rates, increasing urbanization and the middle class fuelling consumer market. Even the long unnoticed sectors like infrastructure, health, education and governance are being addressed. Thanks to the government for giving us an intellectual cabinet of ministers. Except a few, most of them know their business!
Now the future. Our per capita income is expected to triple from $1,050 to $3,400 by 2019. India’s current consumption is $700 billion, whereas US consumes $10 trillion and China consumes $1.4 trillion. This leaves India with much more profit. India is expected to be a $4-trillion economy by 2019. The Indian Government is planning to pump in $100 billion into infrastructure development. IT sector is growing. Corporate India is expected to invest $250 billion over the next three years. The index for industrial production has risen 16.8% from 11.8% in 3 months. With an annual production of 2.3 million units, the Indian automobile industry is the ninth largest in the world. India will create 9, 17,000 new jobs in 2010-11. With the recent education reforms of Kapil Sibal, India 2030 will be the most educated country in the world. He's the same man who brought in the nuclear deal. He has shown indications to spell his magic in the telecom sector in his next term.
I know that you have already started dreaming :) And believe me, this will come true if YOU participate! Let everyone positively contribute in the task of taking the nation forward. We will come out of poverty- by hard work and not by loans and subsidies. Lets build a nation where everyone, from a scientist to a farmer innovates and participates in building the nation we have always dreamt of...