Let us declare that the state of war does exist & shall exist so long as the Indian toiling masses & the natural resources are being exploited by a handful of parasites. They may be purely British capatilists or mixed British and Indian or even purely Indian."
-Bhagat Singh
(In his leter to the Punjab Governor;
"No Hanging, Please Shoot Us")
While reading these lines during my train journey back home, I couldn't sleep. A deep unrest clouded over me. If it was Bhagat Singh living to determine what is to be done on the present state of our nation, what would he have done? Aren't we exploited by Indians? (I hate to say "our own country men" in this context). Has the exploitation stopped? Then what are we waiting for? Are we waiting for a messaiah to improve things for us? Or are we hurriedly living to die before we see the day of judgement? I still remember some guys in hostel cheering on the rumors that even if a meteor hits earth a hundred years from now, they won't exist to see that! What a shame!!
I like articles and fiction more than newspaper. Newspapers crib. My understanding of today shouts on me that we need to rise up! Rising means a change, the greatest revolution of all times! A revolution that is not decided over meetings or dipped in bloodshed. BUT Revolution in the most regular things we do! Revolution in way we walk on streets. Stop cursing the municipality for a road blockage. Is it just their job because they are paid for doing it? It is an opportunity for everyone else! A privilege! Changes in the most basic things we do, may it be donating blood, or casting our vote. Let this revolution live! Live long. Live forever! Revolution is first within. We must learn to walk alone; each one of us!