Floods! Oh Yeah .. They keep coming na? Floods? Disaster? They always keep coming and going isn't it?
Bihar is flooded. One fourth of it they say. I guess they mean to inform the world that every fourth man in Bihar has lost the place where he lives and worked to the raging waters of the Kosi. They are taking about the way in which the Kosi river has proved to be the "Sorrow of Bihar" once again. This year's Bihar flood has been declared as a National Calamity - A National Disaster. Even the news sites seem to have started acknowledging the human pain and suffering involved. Most news sites (I don't follow TV) are giving prime space to the news of devastation from Bihar. But one thing I see not budging at all is the sensitivity of us Indians towards this massive disaster!
It has been easy for many to bypass the news of the flood. Why not? They always keep coming, don't they? Sometimes I get scared when I think of putting myself into the shoes of those millions of people who have been moved by these massive floods, Water has destroyed everything that they had accumulated in a lifetime. Livestock, homes, farms.. everything.. Moved into relief camps and temporary shelter, day after day, their mission and goal is to be able to grab their share of the meager help that is being mobilized their way.
Some of the news items I heard about in past five days or so:-
- Milk Rs.150 and Chuda Rs.100 per kg
- 32 people die as boat capsizes
- Fear of entire Bihar getting flooded if Kosi breached the canal walls further
- Desperate for help, the people beat up Legislators
- Center declares the Bihar Floods a national Disaster
- Hundreds of people feared dead in Bihar floods
- The flood situation grim: Forcast for more rain
Contrary to my perception, the media has in fact been reporting a lot about these floods. But, at the same time, I don't really see a Nation standing up to one of the biggest disasters in recent times. I don't know what is the reason. Is the reason flood - the word that rings no bells any longer - however much it may be devastating? Or do I attribute the reason to the place - Bihar - are we affiliates to regionalism? Or do I attribute th reason to ignorance - ignorance about the human tragedy and the great element of pain.
Sometimes wonder if there is some glamour associated with the disasters too. The glamour that pulls entire communities to help out for Tsunami victims, and the absence of which lets the flood victims suffer in silence. The glamour that mobilizes people after earthquakes, but lets the heat struck victims die unnoticed.
God only knows! Just one thing though. Let us at least acknowledge the pain of the millions of our people who suffer and perish in the land that was once the pride of our civilization.
Man saved 9, then watched sons drown
Can we come up with something that could be of any help !!!Everytime I hear abt the floods one thing keeps haunting me is WHAT CAN I DO to help them!!!
If there is an answer do let me kow..Will be willing to be part of it...
One thing that i found was on IBN Live is you can donate here.. http://www.savethechildren.in/index.html
(American Express Cardholders can donate online)
I got one call
Situation is BAD!!1
Day by Day situation is worsening in Bihar and I am just watching sitting here!!!!! Common Friends there should be some way we can help the victims...Please Explore...
The only way we can help
The only way we can help seems to be through d chief ministers relief fund....dunno whether it would be used effectively at the right time...Funds can also be sent by electronic transfer into the account of:
Account Number: 10839124928
Branch: Patna Secretariat, Bihar
the immediate needs of the people are blankets,preservable food...
The flood victims need blankets, utensils, milk powder, durries, Glucose- D.
Send all such donations to Red Cross centres across the country.
Relief Material Sent!!
Sankalp Volunteers sent relief material to Bihar through Art of Living.The Relief material included Rice,Amulya Milk Powder,Medicines,Cerelac,Wheat Flour,Dal,Biscuits and Milk.The contribution came from all Sankalp volunteers and Sankalp Friends.
Milk,Biscuits,Cerelac and Medicines were sent through 9 AM flight on 8th Sept and have already reached the relief camp site
All other material was sent through Sangamitra Express on 8th leaving from Bangalore at 9 AM.These are supposed to be reaching the camp site by 11th Sept
This was just the initial step but still a lot remains to be done as the destruction is massive...
Keep Walking!!