It is predicted that India and China will emerge out as the world superpowers in the next decade. Obama casually warned his men against Indians. It was an immense pleasure to read the recent cover story of India Today- ‘Changing face of rural India’.
Bharat Nirman has considerably improved the infrastructures of our villages, and continues to do so. NREGS has also helped numerous landless households. The unique expansion of mobile phones is further aiding to revolutionize the rural economy. This development was impossible without proper IT in place. The earnings of the farmers have gone up much because of the enhanced smallest support price of the produces. Since 2004, the government has hiked procurement prices for paddy from Rs 580 per quintals to Rs 1,030 and that of wheat from Rs 620 to Rs 1,100. Yield also has increased, though the potential is still much more if compared to China or developed countries. India’s per hectare yield of paddy has increased from 668 kg to 2,203 kg since 1950. China’s average yield is 6,336 kg/ha. On wheat Punjab has hit 4,200 kg/ha, but France is at 6,740 kg/ha. Gujarat’s farmers have increased cotton yield six fold in nine years from 175 kg per hectare to 798 kg more than the e world average of 787 kg/ha. Productivity has come because of better seeds, right amount of fertilizers, and water at proper time, and also better insecticides if required. Farmers have started increasing their earnings from switch over to new and profitable crops as well as adapting to new technologies such as drip irrigation or micro-sprinkler systems and experimenting with better farming practices. Better road connectivity are definitely helping.
The rural India is the true face of our country. We have long road ahead. Let’s hope for the best!