I love to work with the young blood. The younger the better:)
This is one of the reasons why I am drawn so close to the Volunteer Recruitment Process in Sankalp. The minute I see some bright faces promising to work their way to make a better country, I get exited. This excitement is not because we have a great Volunteer Retention Ratio to boast about. It is not because many people stick with Sankalp with the same energy as they initially possessed for long. It is because I know, that this is giving us a chance to get among ourselves few more better of the best guys and girl.
My job comprises of preparing these people to take on what we call "Sankalp Work". My job is to flush out the transients ( short bursts of excitements) and make way for the persistent. My job is to identify and train the people who really care. And after years of experience at this, I must say that it is one of the most tough jobs.
There is a vital difference in the way people live their life before and after joining Sankalp. We often tell people that Sankalp is not ab bed of roses. Nothing comes for free, even if it is for a larger good. If a person is really keen on bringing in a change(positiver one in our case), he/she must be prepared to face a lot of difficulties and hardships. And while all the troubles come on, they must know the art of not loosing sight. Basically, I need to ensure that these young enthusiasts are prepared to take on the road where they will have to face daily challenges and keep moving on.
I learn! I learn a lot while I try to share the little that I know. When you are in middle of a few tens of ignited minds trying to ensure that they do not run out of gas soon, you think of the things that do not seem important while doing your daily work. When they ask you simple questions like time management, you perform a quick check on your own schedule. Hundreds of things like these make sure that the every aspect of the myself undergoes review and improvement.
It is painful. It is painful to see some faces disappear forever. Not for the sake of work or anything else, but for the sake of larger interest of this land, we need to have a generation that believes. It pains when you see someone give up just before the break of dawn.
It rewards. It gives us an immense sense of satisfaction when we see a few who get going. They are the future flag bearers. They will understand the spirit. They will lead the way.
Thank you all who make it possible. Thank you for the opportunity and the honour of being able to share with you the little this organization has taught me!
May all of us walk together now and till the time the dream is realised.
Self improvement is what i like most being working with new and fresh minds. When you talk with them about the basic rules...They get refresh in your mind which had rusted with the course of time.
Energy is next good thing having them around.