Due to closure MSRIT College after semester completion, volunteers planned to move out to other places in order to reach the target of 4000 hand-made postcards to be sent to Siachen soldiers. The plan of action includes visiting a few schools, colleges (pre-university) and shopping malls. We have yet a long way to go before completion, but we are not going to give up.
English Teaching
What better way to start a new year than by interacting with interested school teachers, who want to improve their language skills. Sankalp (helping a school called Swami Vivekananda School in Tyagarajanagar for past 1 year or so) has now initiated a program to teach the teachers spoken English, upon their request.
The program will start from 1st week of January till end of March. Few volunteers from Sankalp will go to the school on every Saturday from 11.30 to 12.30 and organize debates, talks and similar activities, which would help improve spoken English skills of teachers who know to read, write and understand English.
Center Stage
Every individual is requested to take more interest in the Politics of India and vote for a "better candidate among the worst"(quoted by Ankita). Please get to know the Parties existing, your leaders and decide to vote for a better political leader.
Sankalp Chennai Volunteer's Visit to Blr: On the February 3rd, 2008 (Sunday) meeting, volunteers from Chennai wing of Sankalp will come to Bangalore. So all the volunteers are requested not to miss that particular meeting.
Modified by Jayesh-"If you are not a part of the solution, then you become a part of the problem."