today our country has developed so much its reached a state when we are on the verge of becoming a major world power.our country has developed immensely and definitely there are no two views about that but what is the result of this major developement when we ourselves are bot safe.We actually need to sit back and think of the social conditions today.Though our country has developed yet the female population is still sufferring they are being "more sinned against than sinning".today no woman is safe in this male dominated society where each and every male is lookin at you with that lust and corruption in his eyes.we dont know when and who will come and grab you and rob you of your most prized possession your"self respect and your right to a dignified life"ok there are some daredevils who can stand up and fight against these lustful men but some cant.another aspect to this is also seen in the fact that today women are mopre sinnedc against than sinning because they have made themselves responsible and available to such men by exposind and attracting them.Beleive it or not today most of the girls involved inn flesh trade in the urban cities are not from some very low caste ar backward family but they belong to the sop called Rich families the high society whose so blindly running behind the imitation of western culture.its actually high time when somethings need to be done and lines need to be drwan for a respectable existence
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