In a congress convention (11th April 1868), Bankimchandra heard a song 'Jai Bharat,Jai' and was greatly influenced by its content. He started thinking on a need of a universal, patriotic message to fellow Bharatiyas.
It was needed! Badly needed!The atrocities of the British rulers were attaining new heights. Comparatively and sadly enough, no corresponding resistance to these atrocities was offered. Bankim felt sad about this mindset of his countrymen. In his times, Vande Mataram did not acquire so much importance in Indian hearts, as compared to later years. But surely, it provided a common chord of brotherhood provided the right stimuli for the Indians. Ancient Indian tradition worships 'Mother' as a sacred deity, a mother, her love and affection towards her children, the pains she takes to bring up the child, have given this unparalleled position in our culture. Obviously, Bankim portrayed the nation as the 'Mother' itself and hailed her.In fact, he was searching for the right words. Words, with power and zeal, which will chant the ultimate praise of the motherland. The year was 1875. Not even in the creations (poems) of the great poets like Bhavabhuti, Kalidas that such powerful words could he find.
On the 7th of November, 1875 he was quietly meditating in a house on the banks of Ganga, night was tranquil and flux of full moon was showering on the waters of Ganga. Suddenly Bankimda could hear the folklore of Bengal's fishermen. It was saying that "for us, the river Ganga is nothing else but mother Durga. Easily will we sacrifice our lives for her, within her." That was the right tone, the right feeling Bankimchandra was looking for. Durga is the warrior goddess, with the lion as the chariot. Although a mother, a woman she is, destroying the enemy with a weapon in hand. This stance of the mother was what was needed.
And thus was born the Indian national song Vande Mataram. The day was 7th November 1875.
Now the question is, if it was born on 7th november 1875, then why are we commemorating its 100th anniversary on 7th september, 2006?
The answer lies in the next blog...
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