Why do Hindus put all their sins, filths, ashes and even the carcasses of his pets in the water of Ganga for getting easy salvation? Why was river Ganga given the divine power absolve sins of all humans? Well, the Gods must be crazy. Didn't the Gods know, that man's sin will increase exponentially and one day will come that Ganga will not be able to take it any more? Didn't he foresee that one day Ganges and many other rivers will be washed away by our sins?
The government recently spent Rs 36,448 crore on cleaning the Ganga, yet by the time it reaches only Benaras, the river turns into a deadly cocktail of groundwater, sewage discharge and spillage from tributaries like the Yamuna and the Betwa. What's the point in cleaning Ganga and not its tributaries? What's the reason industries still continue to discharge their garbage into river Ganges? We need to tackle this problem from its root!
Why don't the political parties put all their resources and propaganda machinery to save the rivers of our country. Let the industrialists of my country know, that donating crores in Tirupati is not their way to salvation if they continue pouring their filth in their mother river! I refuse to go to heaven if it contributes to the death of river Ganges!