I don’t know why, but we Indians are pretty bad at respecting the values of national significance- may it be our national sport or the national anthem, or the national animal. I always liked the Vodafone, Airtel or Idea ads for their innovative ideas, but the recent Aircel ad with Dhoni’s urge to save Indian tigers actually fascinated me! Firstly, because it is factual and secondly, because it is simple and straightforward.
With Only 1411 tigers remaining in India, its shocking to read that a century ago there were 40,000 tigers and there has been a decline of 60% in the past decade. Rudyard Kipling’s India was a land of fantasy, which is slowly turning into a nightmare. A country where tiger is the spirit of Indian jungle, the symbol of Indian wilderness is disappearing slowly and steadily.
Indian and Chinese authorities are being accused of doing almost nothing to stop the rapid decline of tigers. In midst of this drought, it’s a brave move by Aircel to take this issue up, for whatsoever financial benefit, and create a general consciousness for it. I hope we will succeed in saving our national animal and many other endangered species. Let’s not reach a state where man becomes our national animal. Naah… We don’t deserve that respect!