Since the days of First War of Independence in 1857, thousands of heroic Indians had staked their lives and had fought untiringly to the very end to drive the British out.But every such effort was supressed by the british.Freedom fighters were ruthlessly tourtured in jails and were beaten black and blue.Hundreds of indians were inhumanly hanged under the pretext of maintenence of law and order.But the cruelty of the british deterred Indians the least.Every drop of blood that fell on this holy soil , inspired thousands to lay down their lives at the feet of Mother India.One such noble sacrifice was that of Narayan Mahadev Doni,a thirteen year old boy of lamington high school,Hubli. 15th August 1942.It was a very unusual day for the people of Hubli.Dark clouds had vieled the sun resembeling the miraged freedom.Placards,commanding the british to quit India, banners,shouting Vande Mataram,the gospel of harmony was seen everywhere.Thousands of people trumpeting Bharat Mata Ki Jai, british go back had gathered near Durgadbail,a square in the heart of the city.This mammoth gathering was to echo the call of 'British Quit India'. The boy ,Narayan woke up very early that day.He moved about stealthy in and around his houseto collect a piece of bamboo much taller than himself and rather heavy for his age.He gave himself a clean wash and put on the hand-spun khadi shorts and shirt.He opened the wooden cupboard and took out the tricolour.The very touch of the flag filled him with the spirit of patriotism.He tied the the flag to the bamboo and was ready to move out.He woke his slumbering mother up.The slight of her proud son clad in white khadi,holding the Tricolour,made her think for a while,that freedom was won.Soon she came out of her reverie and said"where are you going my son?" "Amma,I'm going to join the freedom fighters who have planned a protest march against the british"said Narayan "But my dear you are still very young.It's a procession of elders.How do you fit into it?"asked his mother.There was a rare brightness in the boys eyes.He said"Amma, it doesn't matter whether one is young or old ,all that matters is how one serves Mother India". The mother was surprised to hear him say those words.She gently kissed him on his forehead and blessed him. Narayan joined the freedom fighters.The smart boy with expressive eyes attracted everyone there.Impressed by his brilliance and his infctious enthusiasm,the elders put him at the head of the procession.It appeared as if the boy holding aloft the flag of freedom,sought to break the chains of slavery and end the military might of the british heroically. The procession started and moved at a snail's pace.It was a grand show of Indian Heroism in action.Narayan shouted at the top of his voice-"britsh quit India'.Others echoed him. The slogans filled the air and charged the atmosphere with the spirit of patriotism.Looking at the little boy and the mammoth gathering thje people who stood on either sides of the road felt that it was a shame to live in enslavement.Hundreds of them joined to make the procession look like a sea of thundering patriots,mocking at the supremacy of the british.the police were boiling with rage. They found their might melting. Suddenly there was firing of bullets in the air.People ran helter skelter.Though there was no provocation the police had resorted to firing.The elders in ther procession smelt danger and ran for their lives.There was total chaos.But little Narayan kept shouting "british quit oppressors quit......" before he could complete a bullet pierced his chest.The flames ended in smoke.Wounded and bleeding bathed in blood Narayan fell. Some police officwers and elders visited him in the hospital where he was batteling for life.Someone asked him 'What do you want?" "Swaraj"uttered Narayan and breathed his last. Narayan,the little martyr , thus became a legend.

Submitted by rajat on Thu, 10-May-2007 - 12:41


Like the side walkers I hear the tale in Shame.. I have been excusing myself for not doing enough... Hope the work flows.. more.. and more.. and more..