The ride to success of an illiterate youth from Bihar, who launched a radio station and promoted social messages on polio, AIDS and other issues but was arrested for illegally running it, has found place in school textbooks! The story of Raghav and his 'Raghav Radio' has been published by the NCERT in its book 'Bharat Mein Samajik Parivartan Evam Vikas' (Social change and development in India) for Class 12!
Raghav, son of a cancer-ridden farm worker, as a child had immense interest in radio. He started out as a mechanic in a local repair shop. Soon, in a hut with his friend, he launched an FM station. In underprivileged Bihar state, his transmission kit was fitted to a bamboo pole on a neighboring three-storey hospital. Apart from Hindi songs and news, his radio station provided information about crime in the area, programmes on AIDS awareness, polio eradication, literacy initiatives and news about missing people as well as on local functions and festivals. And all that free of cost!!
The villagers loved his radio station! But soon, the district authorities closed it down for violating the Indian Telegraphs Act. He had no license! He was arrested for a brief period but for people residing in and around Mansoorpur village, he was a hero! Soon after his release, he was appointed as the head of Barefoot Community Radio Station at Tilonia in Rajasthan. From an ordinary illiterate youth to becoming someone who has the ability to inspire people through his simple deeds, Raghav has indeed come a long way. And his mission to inform and educate continues...