I can do nothing big on this Independence day. I cannot move masses nor can I change Governments.
ALl I can do is bring in a chnage in the one person who is totally under my control... ITS ME.
My wish on this Independence Day is that the powers of this nature grant me strength to stand tall on my convictions. I pray for the strength within, that will make me stand up and walk on rough roads when the red carpets of corruption, selfishness, heartlessness and self applause come my way.
I pray to God to grant me the strength to keep me going. If the direction in which I choose to walk is the right direction, then automatically I will have companions who are pure within. I pray for them. MAy they not crash and loose sight.
I pray on this Independence Day for a VISION THAT WILL SOMEDAY BRING IN A CHANGE. That will someday break the barriers of impossible.
God bless every bit of this country. God grant them peace and security. I pray for those who face terrible wrath of nature and of manmade disasters.
On this Independence Day... May I bring in a change within....
Vande MaataramComments
this is..
very touching and inspiring
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