Pangong Tso is a lake situated far away in barren land in Ladakh. This lake is known for its calm, clear and unending expanse. It is the one of biggest lake in Asia. Its area falls under both India and China. One third of it is in India and remaining in China. It is 130 km long and 7 km wide. It is located on the Changtang plateau in eastern Ladakh, around 140 km South-east of Leh, at an altitude of over 14000 feet. Pangong Tso is also known as hollow lake. It is clear symbol of natures craftsmanship. Its brackish water plays with sun light to produce different colour effect. This area falls under army control and requires pass from deputy commissioner of LehTo reach this lake one has to travel 30 km down the Manali-leh highway to reach karu. From where the road splits, one goes to Manali and one 113 km long to Pangong tso.
After the verification of paper at karu, one moves ahead through a green lush valley. This is very uncommon to see a green valley at this height. There are total five army check posts are on the road to Pangong Tso. The second check post is at Zingral (15,500 ft). Here army keeps a copy of the permit. This is rocky area and prone for land slide.This rocky terrain takes us to Chang La (at 17,350 ft), the third-highest motorable pass in the world.
.A traces of snow along the road welcome us. One crosses the valley on the sinking road. The mountains appeared to be painted in hue of green, violet and brown. A school of mountaineering is situated here, which imparts training in various degree of rock climbing Soon we found our self in pasture which is filled with yaks, mountain cows. The rocky mountain changes into sandy area.
The road is full of causeway due water on the road. Road to Pangong TsoPangong appears suddenly while passing through this area. Just two km short of lake one passes through the gravelly terrain, which is open on the left side. One can see the tale of Pangong from here. The first sight of blue water of lake is refreshing. After crossing Lukung, the lake emerges out of its veil in right. This land lock lake stretches through the whole length of Ruthog region towards neighboring Chushul. Stretched towards indo-china border, it enters into china. Tourists are allowed to go up to Spangmik, a hamlet around 8 km from Lukung, inhabited by Khampa tribe.
Most of the fresh water inlets that feed the lake are in Tibet. It is 100 metres deep at certain places.Bluer Than Blue - The Pangong Tso.The sun plays a unique role in displaying the different colours in lake. Its crystal clear water plays with sun light to display the bands of blue, green, purple, violet, orange and red on the surface, like a rainbow. This present’s a very beautiful seeing. The lake looks like canvas painted in the different colours of nature.
With no outlet, Lake Basin has deposited wealth of mineral, by the melting of snow. The lake is home to a wide range of fauna ranging from migratory birds to mammals of various species. The water of the lake is devoid of any micro-vegetation. Guides report that there is no acquatic life in the lake, no fish or crustaceans. On the other hand, visitors see numerous ducks and gulls over and on the lake surface.