Decision making ---this is the thing i'm seeing around me lately.10yrs i have studied in one institution and now i have
around 6 colleges to chose from.While i stand confused, i see my parents elminating one after the other to choose the better one.When i see this skill of decision making in them which they say they have developed over time,i have a strange kind of fear asking me whether i'll develop it or not.anyway...hats of to all the parents!
only experience
Its a skill which only can be learn by experience so dont worry i am sure even you will not know how you learn it with time..
Dont worry
yes it comes only with experience, as experience is a hard teacher, it takes the test first n then gives the leason. so there is no point worrying about it. wat i feel is tat one should reflect back to the decisions made with the help of people in the respective field. at the same time we should not regret abt our decisions, about our past.
i ve read some where tat watever we are, its because of out bad experience, n not gud ones. bad ones teach us n shows a new path n gives new opportunities. n i found it very very true.
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