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Blogs: Blogs on is a place where people express themselves. Be it an issue of Natonal Importance or a casual thought., the blogs offer you the right platform to share thoughts.
Food For Soul: Inspiring and educating, these small takes from around the owrld touch the heart in such a special way. the lessons learnt through them stick on to an individual thoughout their lives.
Forums: Issues that matter are thrown into limelist at our forums. This is a place to discuss a topics with others and get to know the less known side of things.
Hero of the month: They lived their lives in a way that inspires, motivates and shows the way to the generations to come. A trinue, a salute and a chance to remember these unsung heroes is our section Hero of the Month. Read about them and bring in changes in your inner self.
India After Independence: Most of us are plagued with the lack of understanding of our own nation in a larger sense. Though we are born in a free nation, we hardly know anything about it's evolution since 15th August, 1947. This is a chance to come face to face with the issues that have shaped our country since independence.
Know India: There are so many big and small things about our country that we must know. Every second day we put up one of these on our site. It is your chance to know more.
Polls: One click and make your coice heard.
Quotes: has an excellent collection of qutes for you to read and adopt for various things.. even for your status messages.:)
There are 2200 pages of information, inspiration and good reading material on our site. Enjoy!