Here is a brief summary of the blood donation process for you.
The Medical Questionnaire has to be completed prior to each donation. It covers health, lifestyle and medical questions used to assess your eligibility to donate, and to ensure the donation is safe for both you and for recipients. All information provided is strictly confidential.
Donation DayThe Blood Service wants you to have a safe and pleasant experience when donating blood. Please ensure that you drink plenty of fluids (at least four glasses) in the hours leading up to your donation and that you eat something healthy and substantial beforehand.
Arrival at the donor centre When you arrive you will have to show some proof of identification. Once you are registered you will be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire.
Health checkAfter you have completed the medical questionnaire, you will have the opportunity to discuss it in greater detail with one of our nurses during a confidential interview. The nurse will also check your haemoglobin (iron level) and blood pressure to ensure that you are in a healthy state when you give blood.
Blood donationThe donation generally takes between 8 and 12 minutes and you usually donate 470 ml of blood. Oh yes, the needle. It really is no big deal - pinch the inside of your elbow to feel what it is like.
After the donationRelax and enjoy the refreshments on offer and remember to take it easy for the next 24 hours. Drink lots of fluid and your blood will be fully restored after 48 hours.
Post DonationIt is recommended that donors avoid vigorous use of their arm for a few hours after donating. Additionally, alcohol should be avoided for at least eight hours.
Many donors have a feeling of accomplishment and self-satisfaction after the donation. We're proud of you too. With every donation you can save up to three lives or contribute to 15 different forms of life saving or life improving blood products.