I know that the movie Rang de Basanti has had the "Loose Control" effect on the entire nationBut I guess I will Recommend Take Control
Who are you?
Are you a liability to the society and the people around you?
Are you a baby who is on the floor crawling?
I believe you are what you want to be. SO if the above two questions have even a partial amount of truth in them, its high time you Take Control.
The little bird when born is tender and weak. It has no wings. It cant fly. It cant find food for itself. At that time if you see the parents around the little baby bird, you will realize that they stay hungry themselves, but get food for the tender soul.
Then comes a time when the Mother bird slowly starts exposing the little one to the world around. It shows the child how to fly. It makes the little one hop around. It stays there all the time while the little one learns its lessons at life.
The next stage is when the bird has to be forced to fly. The mother bird takes it high and drops it on the edge of a cliff. Does it expose the baby bird to danger? No it exposes the baby to a world of opportunity. Now the baby bird must jump.
It can see the dangers and the problems. It can see the risks. But it must jump. It was not sent by God to earth not to fly.
When the baby jumps, it is on its own. It must fly. The job of the mentor the mother is over. Now it must fly. If it does not choose to fly.. it might be a chance or two in which the parent bird will save it. But it will not be long before it falls.
Each of us is a little bird meant to fly. The society around us, our parents, friends, siblings and all others are like the parent birds. They nurture us and support us when we are highly in need of it. But there should be a limit to it. There should be a time when we take charge. When they leave us alone on the cliff, it does not mean they are not there. They were there and thats why you are where you are, at the edge of an opportunity. The dangers of laziness, inaction, irresponsibility, fear and other negative emotions are there. But we must take up the challenge.
Lucky are those who find some support in life.
Feeble are those that keep leaning against the support.
The strongest of trees in the forest die out. So will it be with your support. If at that time you are incapable of supporting it in its time of pain, its not what it should be.
So.. Choice is yours.. Keep lingering crawling and complaining.
Or make them and yourself proud.
Jump off the ridge.
Go fly.
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