I believe in leading series of Lives in one life.
God brings no luck to idle hands.
We utilize all sorts of wastes except waste of time.
Add life to years rather than adding years to life.
God gave us pain so we could feel the tenderness.
Action speaks louder than words.
Learn the art of living by leaping and not by limping.
Love alone can resurrect a man in agony.
Work builds, charity destroys.
Give them a chance not charity.
Happiness dies when it is not shared.
The greatest joy comes in life when you invest in others.
To live for others is the most fertile pleasure in the world.
Let your sympathy find expression through love backed by action.
Youth is he who plods through victory and defeat alike.
Hope this world will listen to the deafening sound of my silence…
Joy in Anandwan is more infectious than the disease itself.
Anandwan-Here the memories drive through pain towards enlightenment…
Anandwan-A mat spread for creative humanity in one of the darkest & loneliest corner of the globe…
The smile of a man who is oppressed or a child who is suffering is what I covet more than any award.
To me, God is truth & love, God is ethics & morality, God is fearlessness, God is the course of light & life & yet above & beyond, he is conscience...
National integration can not be legislated through an act in parliament.
Words and principles are not enough to take the place of deeds.
Attempt defining both by words and deeds.
Yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is ready cash.
Ration your words but nourish your deeds with dedication, determination, & devotion.
The most frightening disease is not of losing your limbs, but losing your strength to feel kindness & compassion for other human beings.
I have experienced the drowsiness of every autumn & passion of every spring; hence I don’t seek dust in shame and loneliness.
Tree is a symbol of liberty... (A pole of liberty)... Every bird occupying its twigs is messenger of love, faith, equality, & courage & every fluttering leaf is a national flag.
We can not carry the struggle of life with the voice of reason alone. Enduring reason of love must come to our struggle in the life (which requires a tender heart & tough mind.)
Pledge yourself to honesty amidst the glittering nets spun around you by falsehood.
You may forget with whom you laughed, but you will never forget with whom you wept.
I always pledged to have more concern for others than control of others.
All services to be truly effective and of permanent values must be wrought in love.
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