I was walking with a cup of coffee in my hands on the terrace of our office when i heard the words "uta aitha?(Did you have Lunch in Kannada)" Something inside told me that though this was least expected, but the words were aimed at me. I could see no other human soul in audible range.
It took me a second to realise that the man cutting the foam sheets for insulating the newly constructed AC ducts had asked me this question. He was a middle aged man with very shabby looks. His face spoke volumes about the years he has spent in the sun working at construction sites in the past. He was wearing a T-Shirt that had a Tiranga on it, but the T-Shirt was stitched at places to keep it together.
I struggled to find suitable words to reply to him, but the question was so unexpected at that moment, that the little Kannada that I have learnt over past 5 years slipped away quickly and I was standing against him with sheepish looks on my face. "Haan ho gaya (Yes I had)" - came my reply. I was smiling at him and he was smiling back at me. I asked him if he had lunch to which he replied in the affirmative. He resumed his work. I stood there for a moment looking at him meticulously cut the foam sheets and place them on the AC duct. I really don't know why, but I wanted to talk to him a bit more. I tried to grab the sheet of foam but he immediately took it away. Though words had no meaning, but I could make out that he was saying that I could injure myself with the thin fibres that were covering the form sheet. I gently kept the sheet back. About a 30 seconds more and I turned back and waved my hand at him. He gave a big smile and waved back.. The coffee cup was in my hands and I started sipping..
Who was he I know not. Next time I meet him, may be I will ask his name. But he was one of the most special person in my office today. If I was a master in English, I may have explained a bit more precisely.. but all I can say for now is that it was a beautiful human feeling..
Walking down the stairs back into the office many thoughts came to my mind.. This communication of smiles is magical. I was reminded of the watchman in my building who asks me if I have had dinner every night before shaking hands with me warmly. I was reminded of the security guard in the lift, whose face lights up and who makes me light up when we see each other. There is a guy in the cafeteria who smiles back when I drop in for a tea.
They make my day so special sometimes!
I am glad I get a chance to be sharing these smiles. Life is beautiful :)
Unknowingly, I started
Oota aithu...
Next time when someone asks you "oota aitha" reply back "oota aithu"....