Don't Let Go
Troubles do not come in sequential arrangement. they somehow love the burst mode. "All seem to find their way into my life - at once ". Then there is pressure mounting, and the brain is gaping for space. Break! Break! Break!
Something inside is suggesting me to break. It is asking me to leave the tough way and run for shelter. Not 1 of all my troubles are there for me by Chance! No.. Most of them are here because of my Choices. I have invited them. As a human I have made some choices in life which add a substantial degree of troubles in my life.
Ah! The bones seem to crack down as I drag along my basket of troubles.. As I see around, I can see people who have made easier choices. For whom the night will never be so dark and long. For whom the load will never mount so much..
Gracious God.. Why me?? Could you not pity your child? I made a choice to go for the road of good.. then why all these troubles are stopping me from my following the road? Mercy! Holy heavens mercy..
There is just one way , the hard way..
Change your choices. Drop the troubles that you invited by choice. And run away with your lighter self. Run.. Run.. Run till you feel the burden no more.. Never come back to these ugly choices..
Or STOP. You know that you chose the hard way, then why run from hardships?You prepared yourself for battles, then why run from the war field? You knew it wont be easy.. You were there to see the many crack.. But you still chose to move on..
Go on.. Move on.. With all the load.. Add more if you like.. Every step that you take with determination and strength is greater than hundreds of miles run without the hard choices. You will never ever regret having held on..
On your death bed you will smile..
There is just one way.. the hard way.. the way to Glory.