1) I'm scared of needles.
There are not many people that LIKE needles! However, most people report that that all you feel is an initial pinch and once the needle is in you won't feel anything. Once you have donated, you'll wonder why you did not do it sooner!
2) I'm too busy.
The whole process takes only an hour, and the actual blood donation takes around 10 minutes. An hour of your time will allow an accident victim, a premature baby or a cancer patient to live.
3) There always seems to be enough blood.
Blood is needed every single day of the year. Blood does not only help accident victims. Many people with serious illnesses such as cancer need a constant supply of blood for their treatment. Remember the need for blood never takes a holiday!
4) I have already given once isn't that enough?
No, we need you to come back. You can safely donate blood every 12 weeks.
5) I am scared that I will catch something.
Australia is one of the safest places in the world to donate blood. Our equipment is sterile and we use the needles once before we throw them away.
6) You don't need my blood it's not rare.
There are 8 different blood types and all are in demand. If you have a rare type, that means there are less donors who can give it. If you have a common type, there are more people who need it.
7) I don't have any blood to spare.
Most adults have plenty to spare. When you give blood you donate less than 10% of your total blood volume and the body replaces this amount within 24-48 hours.
8) I don't want to feel weak afterwards.
If you are healthy, and have had plenty to drink and something to eat before you donate, you will be unlikely to feel any different afterwards. Your body will replace the volume you donate within 24-48 hours, so you can even play your favourite sports within a couple of days!
9) They won't want MY blood- I've had glandular fever, chicken pox, suffer from heart problems etc.
Never assume that you can't give blood! It is always best to check with us if you are unsure by calling 13 14 95 and speaking with one of our doctors.
10) I'm too young to give blood.
You can start saving lives at the age of 16 in most states (you need to be 18 in NT and TAS). Why not get your school involved in this essential community service