1) You will get free snacks after donating.
2) You might be able to get some time off school.
3) It’s quick and easy. It doesn’t take long and you can donate at a donor centre or at one of our mobile units.
4) You can spare it! Most people have got enough blood to spare … but there are lots more people that need it.
5) You will get lots of sympathy from your friends and family when they see the band-aid.
6) Only 3% of the population give blood regularly. Become one of an exclusive group.
7) Impress your friends by saving lives! Who does my blood help?
8) 80% of the population will need blood or blood products at some stage in their lives. That means that someone close to you (or even yourself) at some stage may rely on blood and blood products for survival.
9) You will be someone’s hero- you may help a newborn, a child, a mother, an accident victim or someone with cancer get another chance at life.
10) It feels great to donate!