When the higher powers of the world were fighting for the unworthy leadership decades earlier....
When the most memorable 'Wars of World' were fought virtually saving no world for men....
We either supported our brethren or stood silent.
Watching how the political factions wiped out the lives.
And gaining no experience of this..
When the English invaded us and looted us of all wealth.....
All resources....all men...all heritage..
We either suffered and survived the torture or died as martyrs.................
Its not that we have not got the strong and wise the revolutionaries of my nation bear the testimonies to this fact..
Its the respect for mankind and 'thirst'for 'peace' that made us suffer and made them..
Feel guilty and abandon this sacred land. During the last three decades....
when our brothers living in the heart away from the soul of our mother ...
when our own brothers of the neighbouring land.. Fought against us.......
We either negotiated or defended...for..
they would someday come back to us..
to live in peace and harmony..
But when our own citizens become slaves...
of the evils trying to rule the country and. Do not fight against them,
We neither endure nor remain silent.
For the simplest reason that.....
We are INDIANS!!!