When you talk about Sankalp you talk about an attempt towards idealism. Its an attempt to get the things done, the way they should be. Its an attempt to struggle today for a better tomorrow. All the time in the world, there have been three types of people. There are ones who contribute positively, the other who contribute negatively and the third and the most common, the ones who do not contribute at all.
When a person says that he/she wants to be a part of Sankalp, it simply means that he/she feels that they want to be the first kind.
To be able to break the inertia of the static society, or to be able to counter attack the pull in the other direction by the attractive negative side, one must be ready to be very strong.
This strength I am talking about is neither physical nor periodic. It must be a consistent, time invariant strength of mind.
Paper burns too quickly on being ignited, but it turns to ash very soon. Neither does it give warmth, nor sustainable light.
On the other hand is wood that slowly picks up the fire, but only to maintain it.
When you talk about Sankalp, you talk about not giving up. You talk about consistent steps towards a better country.