I can not change anyone, but myself. I am the only entity in the universe who I need not convince and about whom I have no doubts.
So when it comes to getting something done, I just look into myself and ask a simple question? Do I want it done? If the answer is yes then what else? I really dont look for more..
I am a firm believer of the fact that if i really want to do something, then that is all what is required.
I was talking to a very highly motivated student leader. I could see the fact that he has big plans and big support behind him. But personally, I did not see him as a very strong person. He had himself decided that his job is only to motivate others into action.
On the contrary I believe that all he needed to do was to start working. Support? Its definitely important. Its powerful. Its required. But IT MUST NOT BE A MINIMUM PRE-REQUISITE.
All I am trying to convey here is that I want to be a person who makes decisions of his life, not actually depending and expecting from others.
This is why I say-"this is my country and ill take care of it."
I am small and flimsy when compared. But please do not compare. Ill just do my part. My little bit.
So when it comes to getting something done, I just look into myself and ask a simple question? Do I want it done? If the answer is yes then what else? I really dont look for more..
I am a firm believer of the fact that if i really want to do something, then that is all what is required.
I was talking to a very highly motivated student leader. I could see the fact that he has big plans and big support behind him. But personally, I did not see him as a very strong person. He had himself decided that his job is only to motivate others into action.
On the contrary I believe that all he needed to do was to start working. Support? Its definitely important. Its powerful. Its required. But IT MUST NOT BE A MINIMUM PRE-REQUISITE.
All I am trying to convey here is that I want to be a person who makes decisions of his life, not actually depending and expecting from others.
This is why I say-"this is my country and ill take care of it."
I am small and flimsy when compared. But please do not compare. Ill just do my part. My little bit.
Please do not confuse this
The people who work for various things around me are my greatest streangths and supports. They are very close to me. My loved ones are the ones from whome I get the energy.
Love showers on you when you are true to your own ideas. God sends some beautiful people who help you realise your dreams. Always respect and love them.
Maybe one day I'll learn the art of working for everything that I believe in. Time is passing and I am growing.Maybe one day i will write such an article.
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