
The making of new roads

Submitted by rajat on
Dreams come in all different shapes, sizes and colors. The very thought of trying to give shape to them can at times make you a disbeliever.

Since the time, I have leant to experiment with the dreams; there is one definitive rule that has shown up.

A nice way to describe what is Life

Submitted by ramkrishna on
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 Hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar . . . and the coffee.. A professor stood before his Philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.

Dont be afraid ~~~~~ the key against terrorism!!

Submitted by buddhabrata on
Terrorism feeds on fear. Fear is a personal feeling that can only be dealt with individually. A nation cannot be afraid, but its leaders can easily infect people with their personal fear. The history has already proven that in the UK and USA. They are the current #1 terror targets in the world. It's their irrational reactions to terror threats, such as counter-attacks, that keep spreading even more fear. By aggressive reactions they have made themselves ever more valuable targets to future terrorist attacks. What is 'terrorism' depends completely on perspective.

Walk for life-an experience

Submitted by rmourya1 on

My definition of a rally before being a part of walk for life- A group of people (mostly politically minded), having no work of their own getting together to cause inconvenience to the public and go against the persisting system. I am from Calcutta, so I very well know about the problems a general public faces. Whenever a rally is about to take place I used to change my plans and avoided going to the place where the rally was supposed to take place. I cant help- its in my mind.

Eureka~~~ it works!!

Submitted by buddhabrata on
" works!" were the first words. With high dreams deep inside, it seemed to be a reason to a very successful tomorrow, untill light was thrown at it. And suddenly all the enthusiasm witnessed its gradual fall. Yes, I'm talking about AMITA, an acronym to "Automatic & Instantaneous Torque Application". An 'original' thought to something that could easily have been a reason or rather 'a key' to the door, to the other side of which is the vast world of wisdom & appreciation. Hi, this is Buddhabrata [a.k.a.

The first India Soldier to receive PVC

Submitted by rajat on
Lately many pleas have been made that Mohammed Afzal Guru's execution should be stayed because his death 'could fuel separatism in Jammu & Kashmir.' The state chief minister himself has been an ardent advocate for clemency for the terrorist who attacked the Indian Parliament in December 2001 (and nearly provoked a war between India and Pakistan). The 'secular' protagonists claim that his execution will make a martyr of Afzal.

Silicon City?

Submitted by rajat on
Bangalore: Silicon Valley or Coolie Valley? March 01, 2004 Politicians, bureaucrats and residents of Bangalore take pride in the fact that they live in what they call the Silicon Valley of the East.

Gayatri Mantra

Submitted by sarica on
OM BHŪR-BHUVAH-SUVAH TAT-SAVITUR-VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHĪMAHI DHIYO YO NAH PRACODAYĀT Om, we meditate (DHĪMAHI) on the spiritual Effulgence(Bhargas) of that Adorable Supreme Divine Reality(Varenyam Devasya), the source or projector(savitr) of the three phenomenol world-planes—the gross or physical(Bhuh), the subtle or physical(Bhuvah), and the potential or casual(Suvah), both macrocosmically(externally) and microcosmically(internally).


Submitted by sarica on
The year was 1938 and the place Maharaja's College, Mysore. A first year student of B A Kannada Honours course, D Javare Gowda was looking forward to lectures by well known professors like Venkannayya, Teenamshree and Kuvempu. He was panick-stricken by his professor's question, if he had read the novels of Thomas Hardy and Leo Tolstoy, and wondered, why he discussed English literature in a Kannada class. He didn't know that Hardy's Return of the native in English was prescribed for Kannada honours students.


Submitted by rmourya1 on
Internals- A sweet reminder to all the first semester guys (especially hostelites), that we entered Mathikere Sampige Ramaiah Institute of Technology, to study and get a Bachelor of Engineering degree. With just forty two days after college started, we crimmed a lot about this exam. Forty two days might sound a lot but then so many events taking place at the same time we were just thrilled with the pace our life was moving.