Vision: We seek to achieve 100% voluntary blood donation in Karnataka.

In spite of the advances made, our country continues to struggle to maintain stocks of voluntarily donated blood. The practice of replacement blood donation is highly prevalent. Not only does it impose immense pressure on the relatives of the patients, it is also a proven threat to blood safety.
Key Features

Rakta Kranti Blood Donation Drives – A Class Apart
Creating Awareness
In each camp that we organize a lot of emphasis is given on awareness and education. The team is responsible for ensuring that the maximum planned number of donors attend and donate blood.
Once the team has decided on holding the camp, prospective donors need to be contacted and persuaded to come to the camp. A communication plan is designed accordingly. IEC Materials- Banners, Posters and videos are displayed, Email blast mailers are sent across, floor talks and open sessions are done to motivate donors. It generally evokes better interest. SMS campaign has also become an integral part of the publicity campaign. After the camp, thank you note is send across to the organizations and donors. This improves donor retention.
Blood Donation Drives – When Needed the Most
The team ensures that blood donation drives are organized in a planned manner to regularize the blood supply. We ensure that there are more drives being organized in periods of shortage. By this every unit donated in our blood donation drives are more useful and helpful to the patient. As an example, nearly 60-70% of the units collected are in the peak summer and winter months when there is a dire need for blood.
Also, the neediest, most progressive, most quality conscious and most service oriented blood banks are invited to collect blood in these drives.
Progressive Blood Banking
Rakta Kranti also carefully monitors the working of the blood banks. We only help the progressive blood banks that are open to sharing their blood with the needy without any bias or preferences. The choice of the blood banks is carefully made looking at their current stock of blood, the camps that they are receiving on their own and the willingness of the blood bank to be compliant with Sankalp’s voluntary blood donation drive policy, which was designed in collaboration with senior medical officers and is created around the framework and guidelines specified by NACO.
Equal Distribution of Stock
Equal distribution of blood to these quality compliant blood banks has been our priority and with the support from the blood banks and the organizations, we have been able to make steady progress in this direction.
Ensuring Quality in Blood Donation Camps:
Quality and donor safety are of primary concern for us. We follow well defined protocols to ensure that all our donors have a great experience donating blood. Following are a few procedures that Sankalp pioneered in blood donation camps:
360 degree Feedback Process:
We follow a highly transparent feedback process where all the non-compliance points are shared to blood bank teams on a camp to camp basis. Also, drive organizers and blood banks share their feedback to us after each drive.
Well-defined Protocols:
We have developed protocols following international standards and guidelines for deferring donors and handling complications in blood donation drives. Deferral protocol ensures uniform policy of deferring donors and resulted in a gain of hundreds of units of blood.
Complication handling protocol is also adopted by all the blood banks working with us and teams are well aware and trained to manage any kind of complication to donors in a blood donation drive. Post camp, we follow up with donors who reported complications. All the complications are documented.
Technology-driven Platform:
We use technology for end-to-end management of blood donation drives. Right from registering donors to capturing feedback is done using systems. Data collected by these systems is measured and analysed periodically.
Well laid-out drive environment:
In blood donation drives, we focus on all the aspects including donor motivation, pre-donation, donor screening, phlebotomy and post-donation. Most relevant and accurate information about blood donation, donor awareness and other issues related to blood banking is provided to donors. All our drives are attended by well-experienced staff having technical expertise needed for successful and efficient execution for blood donation drive. This ensures that each person donating blood has a wonderful experience and helps in donor retention.
Sankalp Blood Donation Drives: The Experiences
It is always a wonderful feeling to donate blood knowing that it can be useful for someone in dire need. Cheers for the great service. Keep up the good work. Thank You-Subham, CGI
This is the first time I donated blood. People here made me feel very comfortable, very caring too. Would love to donate in future also.-NCBS
While donating I had only one thing in my mind-"my blood will save a life." What is better than the feeling of saving a life. I enjoyed donating blood again. Kudos to the guys who are organizing such blood donation campaigns.. -Cheers!!- Capgemini
It’s always a great feeling and sense of pride in donating blood. It really boost further when it is such a well managed like this. Good show all, keep the good work. All the very best. Good team and good staff –Ritesh O. Mahindrakar, Tata Power SED
Blood donation is like "GIVE LIFE AND SAVE YOUR LIFE AS WELL".
I am giving it since long. All join your hands in giving blood and fill the scarcity of blood.- ITPB
- Published a scientific paper on Quality in Blood Donation Drives in Asian Journal of Transfusion Sciences.
- Published a scientific paper on Managing Complications in Blood Donation Drives in Asian Journal of Transfusion Sciences.
- Organized more than 1750 blood donation drives collecting more than 133,000 units in these events.
- Published various protocols including deferral protocol, policy for complication management and protocol for hemovigilance. This ensure that our drives are scientific and standardized across blood banks.
- Replacement based blood banks are turning into voluntary ones after joining us.
- Have conducted awareness sessions on blood donation in 130+ schools covering over 13000 children.
Roll of Honour
Aegis | AIG | AMD | Ammucare Charitable Trust | Applied Materials | Azim Premji University | Bangalore University | Cargill | Cipla | CGI | Continental | Conduent Labs | Deutsche Bank | Epsilon | FedEx | General Motors | HDFC Sales | HSBC | Icon Clinical Research | International Technology Park Limited | JNCASR | Medi Assist | Microsoft | National Instruments | NCBS | Novo Nordisk | Qualcomm | Rambus | Robert Bosch | Sankalp Semiconductors | Schneider Electric | Societe Generale | Softtek | Star Bazaar | Tata Power SED | Uttishta Bharatha| VTVO | Vanguard Business School | Wipro | WNS