Uttarakhand Floods: Update and Status

We write to you to update you upon the current status of the plan that Sankalp India Foundation is working upon to try and provide help to the people suffering from the massive disaster that has struck Uttarakhand.

The tragedy is still just unfolding. For all these days, because it was an impossible task to reopen the roads, the focus was mostly on rescue. People have been airlifted in thousands from the affected area and brought down to Dehradun/Rishikesh. 

At this hour the immediate priority of the administration is disposal of the dead bodies to prevent epidemics.

In real sense relief work in the affected area has not even started and it may not till some kind of access to the area for materials and manpower is established. Second round of rains has washed away whatever was repaired. Entire monsoons lie ahead and the people other than the tourists who reside close to the affected area are suffering.

Difficulty in reaching the victims
We have been keenly looking for opportunity to be able to help the victims. We are in contact with the officials and local residents in Dehradun, Rishikesh, Srinagar and beyond. The area which actually got affected with the disaster continues to be completely out of reach. The roads have not even been repaired enough for people to be able to walk across. The only access to the devastated area as of date is by means of defence choppers. Because of the sever law and order situation, difficulty in getting people evacuated and the political reasons, the administration has not permitted any organisation to proceed beyond Rishikesh. 

What work is being done
Most organisations and individuals who have so far reached out for relief have only been able to provide assistance at Rishikesh/jolly Grant Airport. Here material for relief has piled up. The tourists who were being evacuated have gone to their native places. There is no access to the higher areas.

What are we planning
Sankalp is in the process of exploring all possible options to reach out to the affected area. We do not plan to go to Rishikesh and deliver relief there itself. We are evaluating the first possible option to go to the actual affected area and are also maintaining constant touch with the locals over the possible needs. The magnitude of the disaster is immense and it will take a few more days before connectivity is established. We are waiting and exploring the first possible opportunity which suggests that we may be able to reach the victims. As soon as we have good news from the locals and the authorities on the access and possible intervention strategy, we will announce the relief operations. 

We are committed to delivering your feelings and relief to the affected people. Unfortunately the situation in this disaster is not allowing easy access to the affected area. The minute we have a plan which we believe will successfully deliver the much needed relief we will reach out to you for participation and help.

What could you do?
Please do not transfer any contributions to Sankalp accounts at this stage. If and when we undertake the relief program we will reach out to you for participation. However, it will help if you drop in a mail to finance@sankalpindia.net and let us know if you will be willing to contribute in case we take the relief program ahead. Your intimation and a rough idea of expected contribution will enable us to build a better plan for relief.

We would like to thank all of you who have expressed confidence in Sankalp India Foundation. We will keep you posted on the progress.
- Sankalp Volunteers