M S Ramaiah Group of Institutions contribute hundreds of units of blood each year to the city. But the home blood bank of this group itself, had a very poor ratio of Voluntary Donations. This paradoxical situation was broken for Good by Sankalp. All the colleges in Ramaiah Group of Institutions were brought under a common Blood Transfusion service that will make sure that Ramaiah Blood Bank becomes an example blood bank for all to see.
A Major Milestone was reached when Sankalp for the first time ever got into an Understanding with the M S R Group of Institutions to provide a very regular and frequent ( Every week ) supply of blood to M S Ramaiah Blood Bank.
No longer will people be sent back because blood is out of stock. No longer will there be immense pressure on the patient to replace blood.No longer will there be tears of helplessness.
With this arrangement, Sankalp will organize blood donation camps in a planned and well controlled manner in the 14 colleges of the M S Ramaiah Group of Institutions in a cyclic manner. To start with only about 35 units of blood will be collected at each camp. The arrangement will be such that the entire process is seamless to the working of the college. The blood bank will come and collect blood at the college itself.
With this process, the blood bank will receive a very regular supply of Safe Blood. This will ensure that the blood bank faces lesser pressure for insisting on Replacements and thereby the patient who critically requires blood will not suffer.
This is the starting of the process of eliminating the shackles of Non-Voluntary Blood Donation from the M S R Blood Bank and thereby promising quality and world class service to people in North Bangalore.
We congratulate the Volunteers on realizing this dream but also at the same time ask them to prepare for hard work in the months to come.
Vande Mataram
With small and continuous effort of Blood Donation Organization team of Sankalp Today we have achieve a major Milestone in this mission.
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