"I had an embarrassing incident at Prague. A young and good-looking hockey enthusiast, a Czechoslovakian girl, insisted after the match on kissing me. "Oh, you are an angel!" she declared. She almost succeeded in her intention, but I resisted, repeating all the time that I was a married man. It was all in good fun."
Dhyan Chand rated Beighton Cup final of 1933 as his most memorable match.He had always regarded this competition as the blue riband of Indian hockey. The match was played between Jhansi Heroes and Calcutta Customs. Surprisingly, he did not score in that match. He only provided the vital pass for the lone goal scored by the Jhansi Heroes. On their return journey, the Jhansi Heroes were crammed in an unreserved third class compartment. However, the warm welcome received at the station made it the most memorable match for Dhyan Chand.