Camp 5 @ Medical College

Continuing the good work from the past week, the Medical College came ahead to ensure continuous blood supply for emergencies by conducting a second Blood Donation Camp on Saturday, 02/06/07. All together 14 donors came ahead and shared the gift of life. The best part of the programme was the increased participation from our new Medical College Volunteers Shreya, Shirin and Shilpa. Three of the Blood Donation Organization volunteers helped ensure good donation experience. The venue for the camp was the Hospital Blood Bank. Starting at 10:15, the camp was comfortably over by 2:00 PM. Most interesting thing that happened during the process was the donation of platelets by apheresis. Someone was undergoing the proceedure and our donors and Volunteers could learn more by seeing the process happen. The large number of donors who were waiting to donate blood delatyed the donation and caused a little restlessness. The donors were exceptionally happy about the behaviour and involvement of the blood bank staff. Evevryone felt that good care was taken. In spite of it being a good camp, it was observed that better management can be done by the Volunteers. We look forward to having completely managed blood camps in the time to come. Cheers!

Submitted by rajat on Sun, 21-Oct-2007 - 12:20



Number of donations-14
Number of volunteers(from MSRMC)-3
Number of Sankalp volunteers-3

Blood camp happened in MSR blood bank.
Camp started at 10.15 A.M and ended at 2.00 P.M.

*Donors came at 11.15 and they wanyed the donations to be done within 45 mins due to classes which they had at 12.Therefore,a bit chaos was there.
*Poor management and organisation from volunteers was there in the beginning but everything was managed after some time.
*There was an APHERESIS case in between so we got to see and learn about the procedure.
*The blood bank environment was tooo0 good..i.e blood bank staff members and technicians were very enthusiastic and more lively.......

Thank you.,