Rarely do you find a group of enthusiastic students who can equal the students of M S Ramaiah Hotel management College. A whooping 28 units of blood were collected from a single class of about 60 students in a period of little less than 2 hours. And that with perfection and beauty. The camp was held on 30th June, 2007.
Usually a tendency to have a quick donation done and then pack off is seen in youth. But contrary to it, these students took very keen interest in understanding the details of blood donation process. A semicircle of 20 students was firing well thought out questions at the Sankalp Volunteer who was finding it amazing to be talking to such a keen group.
There was a great discussion on apheresis and also the importance of Voluntary Blood donors. People wanted to know about the tests and the impact that blood donation has on the work that you do following it. Many donors were first time donors who were slightly nervous in the beginning. But as they lied down to donate, the nervousness found it hard to battle with the joy and excitement that comes with donating blood.
The blood bank staff demonstrated professionalism and ensured proper donation procedures were religiously followed. the outcome said it all. No post donation problems were observed.
The occasion was also helpful in assisting a doctor who was looking for blood for his father admitted in Narayan Hrudayalaya. he convinced two AB+ donors to donate in the super speciality hospital itself.
Sankalp also had the pleasure of having one of the newly admitted students of M S R I T volunteer for the camp. Even before the start of classes, the excitement and participation of a new-first year Volunteer increases expectations and hopes from the days to come.
The lack of drinking water, and few other quality assurance equipment was observed. A proper note has been taken and the next camp is on the road to overcome all these hurdles.
Many thanks to the Staff and Students of Hotel Management College for giving us such a nice camp.
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