An organizational overhaul : Feedbacks and Reorganisation

Sankalp Inia Foundation got itslef cleaned up :). 2 major internal events could just improve the way in which Sankalp works - a change to get better and to be the best in our area of work.

Firstly, Sankalp took itself through a thorough 360 degree feedback process. It was an intensive process where all working volunteers gave feedback to their peers, their seniors and juniors, the organization and to themselves as well. This exercise helped all volunteers realize a lot of improvement methodologies. Ups and downs are marked and it's time to dwell on the reports and take the organization one step forward.From an organizational perspective, a lot of training needs were identified and people have been identified to deliver the same. The image is a small snapshot of what volunteers told when asked the question what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Sankalp!. One volunteer summed up the happiness and joy in being a part of this organization in this way "I am very happy to be a part of Sankalp India Foundation. Apart from the cause for which we are working in Sankalp, the philosophy of how Sankalp works is so well designed that I am love with it. There are many organizations who try to act on various problems prevailing in the society and finally end up with not really a solution for any of them. Our organization has identified it's area of work from birth itself, and this in itself is a plus point in Sankalp"

Second, like any major enterprise that makes changes to improve the growing needs of work, Sankalp India Foundation too worked out a reorganisation. Most of the Sankalp volunteers are students studying in engineering and a handful of hem are passouts. Now, in a few ays time, the balance is sure to shift. A lot of our volunteers are graduating out and many of them have spent a lot of time in the organisation to take up bigger and more challenging roles. An optimal solution based on project needs, future vision of Sankalp and needs and scheules of volunteers was worked out and has yielded a blueprint for Sankalp India Foundation to take bigger strides out into the open. Sankalp has a core decision making body, whose members have had a lot of exposure to work and have lots of responsibilities. A lot of the load has now been passed on to the junior volunteers. Says, Sunil, a volunteer who is now in the technical wing of Sankalp "it feels great because i always thought of working for the tech wing. have lots of questions and doubts regarding working of tech team. long way to go ahead". "Feeling more responsible. Lots to learn. Lots to do" says Sourav. Ambika felt the need to be stronger and opined this way on the reorg. "I actually want to thank u:) ya its very good... But for this i have to be strong n i ll try my best:)". These are 2 people whose work profiles have started looking different since the reorganisation

Sankalp is going through a slow but sure overhauling to work smarter and better. The promise to deliver the goods has given a major boost with a lot more people now rowing the boat faster in the deep and dangerous waters!