Rakta Kranti Boosts Blood Stocks in Bangalore


At a time when the city of Bangalore was in a mini crisis for blood, Rakta Kranti Bangalore became the lifeline for the city. A total of 8 blood donation drives were conducted leading to a collection of 662 units of blood!

At a time when colleges are either busy in examinations or are closed for summer/semester breaks, this huge collection is attributed to the spirit of responsibility shown by the industry. 

While companies like Capgemini Indigo (CG Indigo) and Stumpp Schuele and Somappa (SSS) teamed up with Sankalp for their 5th blood donation drives leading to a collection of 138 units and 28 units of blood respectively, there were institutions like Indian Institution Of Planning And Management (IIPM) (a collection of 35 units of blood) and Aircel (a collection of 41 units of blood) who organized their first blood donation drive with Snaklalp. Hats off to CG Indigo and SSS for their continued support and hats off again to IIPM and Aircel for taking that first difficult step to take the initiative.

Huawei Technologies, ZTE Telecom India and General Motors India Limited strengthened their commitment to Rakta Kranti’s initiative by organizing their second blood donation drive with Sankalp. A big round of applause to these institutions too for thinking about blood requirements and putting their act together for a blood donation drive. Keane Software too stood up for the 4th time to play their part in easing pain of patients requiring blood transfusion. The blood donation drive here yielded a collection of 185 units of blood with plenty of donors reaching a personal milestone of 5 or 10 blood donations.

Sankalp Unit