Blood Donation Camp @ Hop On Girls

Hop On Gurls is a group of girls who think out of the box. They are a group of girls who have a passion for riding Royal Enfield bullet. They wanted to organise a drive in one of their volunteer's place, in a residential area. Being aware of the possibility of low donor turnout in such outdoor camps, Sankalp, agreed for the drive, considering it a motivational drive for the people of the area. The volunteers of Hop On Gurls had done adequate publicity of the drive before hand by printing posters, informing friends, approaching media and heavy publicity through social media.

On the day of the drive, the volunteers of Hop On Gurls had organized everything, much before Sankalp volunteers and blood bank staffs arrived. From tent, to food for donors, to excellent arrangement for seating and relaxation, everything was in place. There were 12 volunteers of Hop On Girls present enthusiastic about making this drive a huge success.

Initially, they tried to call the donors who had committed on social networking sites. They had also invited neighbors and friends to come up and donate. Inspite all their efforts, the initial turnout of donors was low. But these volunteers of Hop On Gurls didn't loose hope. They went out on streets asking passerbys to come up and donate. Suddenly there was a surge in the number of donors. The enthusiasm of these girls paid off. While the bringing of donors was managed by the volunteers of Hop On Gurls, Sankalp volunteers present there through and through ensured that no donor misses out on the pre donation, screening, during donation and post donation care.

Henceforth, the bleeding beds were never empty. These volunteers of Hop On Gurls showed what determination and dedication towards a cause can lead to. Donors were exceptionally happy about the arrangements and care given to them. An outdoor drive which was expected to be small and motivational, eventually turned out to be a energy packed drive, with 84 donations- one of the best residential out door camps ever conducted by Sankalp.

Sankalp Unit