Corruption:how to start a fightback?

“Dear Sir, What is the role of students to stop corruption which is deeply rooted in our county just like cancer?” I said there are one billion people in the country and nearly 200 million homes. In general most of them are good people. However, if we find that people in few million houses are not transparent and not amenable to the laws of the country, what can we do? These houses apart from parents have one daughter or one son or both. If the parents in these houses are deviating from the transparent path the children can use the tool of love and affection and correct the parents to come back to the right path. I asked all the children assembled in that gathering, whether parents of a few children get deviated from transparency, will you children boldly tell your parents, father or mother you are not doing the right thing. That is what we are taught by you and in the school. Most of the children spontaneously responded, “We will do it”. The confidence comes from them that they have love as a tool. Similarly I have also asked the parents in some other meeting, initially there was a silence, later, many of them hesitantly agreed that they would abide by the children’s suggestion since it is driven by love. The children took an oath. The oath was “I will lead an honest life free from all corruption and will set an example for others to adopt a transparent way of life”. Finally I told the students that they should start a movement starting from their home.


Submitted by rajat on Tue, 15-Aug-2006 - 00:55


This is an excerpt from Dr Kalam's Speech